Week 4 Term 4

Good afternoon everyone,

What a wonderful weekend, the weather couldn't have been any better!

Congratulations to our Merit Award winners: 
Saffi and Gabriel. They are both showing great focus and determination, keep it up guys!

LISTENING & SPEAKING TASK: 'If I could live in another part or the world...'
Just a reminder that the Speaking and Listening presentations begin this week. It is great to hear that many students have begun their preparation, can you please just double check with your child to ensure they have made a start on this. 

This week Sophie, Jack, Gabriel, Taylah, Oliver and Lucas will be presenting. Please see below the roster for the following weeks:

ART: Recycled Art
FROM MISS CHARLES: This week students will be exposed to artists in focus that use recycled waste, beach debris and pre-loved items as materials for their artwork. Students will begin planning their artwork in response to the artist and applying their technique, including creating a vision board on Pinterest. Through this they will have a better idea of what they need to collect. Just remind students they need natural fibres as well, including shells, rocks, dried leaves, sand, sticks, etc. These items are due next Friday 9th November.

NEW!! Assembly Item:
Next Friday the 9th November we have our Performance assembly where the students will be presenting some of the recent stuff we've been learning this term. The children will receive their parts tomorrow and we will be encouraging them to learn and practice these as often as they can. Some children will require a basic costume and will be notified of this tomorrow.

Dates for Your Diary:
Class Performance Assembly: Friday 9th November
OLC Fete: Sunday 11th November
Fr Ian's Farewell Mass and Morning Tea - Friday 16th November 

Please see the school calendar for further dates and events.

Spelling - LSCWC (each night) & Dictionary Definitions

Kangaroos: Greek and Latin Roots - press, pur/purg, pend
Possums: Suffixes '-y, -ly, -ily'
Lorakeets: VCV and VCCV - double or single consonants (continued)

PLEASE NOTE - This term the students have to complete dictionary meanings for their list words at home and are due Friday with their other homework.

Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 32, Day 1-4

Reading - Reading Log 
READERS - Every child will recieve a Reader tomorrow and the title will be written into their Reading logs. This is for them to read first before they have free choice or use Reading Eggspress.

Can you please ensure they are all returned on a FRIDAY morning. This isn't happening every week unfortunately.

Family Homework - I'm hoping you are starting to see some more 'Spirit of Jesus' moments happening at home. I would love to hear any feedback about this.

Local Government Booklet due Tuesday 30th October

Speaking and Listening Speech preparation

Enjoy the rest of the week, let the sun keep shining!

Mrs Ricciardone, Miss Charles and Mr Torrese

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