Welcome to Term 4
Welcome back everyone,
I can't believe there is only one more term to go, before these cherubs move onto Year 5!
I am hoping that you all have had a wonderful break, especially as we were so lucky with the gorgeous weather. One of my favourite days was doing a short hike to Quinninup Falls with the boys, it was very exciting for them as we saw a snake, a bobtail and they got the chance to roll down the enormous sand dunes. Oh to be a kid again!
What's On This Term?
This term promises to be an exciting one! As you know we have a prac student, Miss Charles in our class from week 2-8. Being a mature age student doing her Diploma of Education, she brings many other talents along with her, one of those being Art. As an artist herself she will be completing an Art program with the students that focuses on basic techniques and a study of local artists and their work. Another passion of hers is the environment and protecting local species of flora and fauna.
In Civics and Citizenship this term, Miss Charles will explore Australia's government, in particular the role of local government. From here she will have the students explore a local issue and have them develop a campaign, debate and newspaper article to present to local government. These are only a few things she has planned for the term.
Our writing focus this term will look at Poetry, as well as a revision of Persuasive texts and arguments . We will even spend a week on writing newspaper articles, which will link in with our Civics and Citizenship topic! We will continue to dedicate 2 short sessions per week to Speaking and Listening, where the students will be given a topic to present a short oral presentation. These presentations will commence in Week 3 and students will only be expected to present once within the term. A roster will be posted on the blog within the week for the students to begin their preparation.
Our Maths focus this term will be patterns, algebra, shapes, transformations and a revision of the four operations.
We will also be exploring Physical Sciences this term, looking at forces. The students will have the opportunity to carryout many experiments to make connections to the outside world.
PRIORITY! STATIONARY - Can you please ensure, if you haven't done so already that your child comes to school with a top up of stationary. This means having a red and blue pen, pencil, eraser, glue, ruler and scissors. Majority of the class didn't have all of these items towards the end of last term, please check in with your child to see what they are missing.
Just a reminder that the students are to return in their Summer uniform. For boys, that is grey shorts, white shirt, grey socks and black school shoes. For girls, it includes the summer dress, white socks and black school shoes. It is important that the student's shoes adhere to the uniform policy.
IMPORTANT!! Excursion:
Just a reminder that this Friday the 12th of October, the students are going on an excursion to Mary MacKillop for their Open Day. We will be picked up at approximately 9am and return to school at 2pm. Your child needs to wear their sports uniform with their school polo (not faction tshirt). We will take their school bags, as they will need to take their lunch with them.
As Mr Wilkie is on Long Service Leave for the next two weeks, Mr Torrese will be in the office standing in as Acting Principal. This means that I will be working the following two Wednesday's in the classroom.
Dates for Your Diary:
Constable Care Incursion: Tuesday 9th October
Scitech Incursion: Thursday 11th October
Mary MacKillop Open Day: Friday 12th October
Interschool Athletics Carnival: Thursday 18th October
Socktober Fundraiser: Friday 26th October
Class Prayer Assembly: Friday 9th November
OLC Fete: Sunday 11th November
Please see the school calendar for further dates and events.
PLEASE NOTE - This term the students have to complete dictionary meanings for their list words at home and are due Friday with their other homework.
Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 29, Day 1-4
Reading - Reading Log
Family Homework - Don't worry you don't have to do anything!
On the same page as the Reading Log this term, I have encouraged the students to do 'Family Homework' which encourages them to show the Spirit of Jesus within the family. They are to aim to do 2 things per day to help out the family, without being nagged to do so! These actions are to be recorded below the Reading Log in their homework book.
As always, thank you for your support and if you have any questions please email or come and see me.
I'm really looking forward to starting the new initiatives planned for this term, I know that having Miss Charles will add a positive dimension to our already thriving classroom.
Have a great week,
Sandy Ricciardone & Adrian Torrese
I can't believe there is only one more term to go, before these cherubs move onto Year 5!
I am hoping that you all have had a wonderful break, especially as we were so lucky with the gorgeous weather. One of my favourite days was doing a short hike to Quinninup Falls with the boys, it was very exciting for them as we saw a snake, a bobtail and they got the chance to roll down the enormous sand dunes. Oh to be a kid again!
What's On This Term?
This term promises to be an exciting one! As you know we have a prac student, Miss Charles in our class from week 2-8. Being a mature age student doing her Diploma of Education, she brings many other talents along with her, one of those being Art. As an artist herself she will be completing an Art program with the students that focuses on basic techniques and a study of local artists and their work. Another passion of hers is the environment and protecting local species of flora and fauna.
In Civics and Citizenship this term, Miss Charles will explore Australia's government, in particular the role of local government. From here she will have the students explore a local issue and have them develop a campaign, debate and newspaper article to present to local government. These are only a few things she has planned for the term.
Our writing focus this term will look at Poetry, as well as a revision of Persuasive texts and arguments . We will even spend a week on writing newspaper articles, which will link in with our Civics and Citizenship topic! We will continue to dedicate 2 short sessions per week to Speaking and Listening, where the students will be given a topic to present a short oral presentation. These presentations will commence in Week 3 and students will only be expected to present once within the term. A roster will be posted on the blog within the week for the students to begin their preparation.
Our Maths focus this term will be patterns, algebra, shapes, transformations and a revision of the four operations.
We will also be exploring Physical Sciences this term, looking at forces. The students will have the opportunity to carryout many experiments to make connections to the outside world.
PRIORITY! STATIONARY - Can you please ensure, if you haven't done so already that your child comes to school with a top up of stationary. This means having a red and blue pen, pencil, eraser, glue, ruler and scissors. Majority of the class didn't have all of these items towards the end of last term, please check in with your child to see what they are missing.
Just a reminder that the students are to return in their Summer uniform. For boys, that is grey shorts, white shirt, grey socks and black school shoes. For girls, it includes the summer dress, white socks and black school shoes. It is important that the student's shoes adhere to the uniform policy.
IMPORTANT!! Excursion:
Just a reminder that this Friday the 12th of October, the students are going on an excursion to Mary MacKillop for their Open Day. We will be picked up at approximately 9am and return to school at 2pm. Your child needs to wear their sports uniform with their school polo (not faction tshirt). We will take their school bags, as they will need to take their lunch with them.
As Mr Wilkie is on Long Service Leave for the next two weeks, Mr Torrese will be in the office standing in as Acting Principal. This means that I will be working the following two Wednesday's in the classroom.
Dates for Your Diary:
Constable Care Incursion: Tuesday 9th October
Scitech Incursion: Thursday 11th October
Mary MacKillop Open Day: Friday 12th October
Interschool Athletics Carnival: Thursday 18th October
Socktober Fundraiser: Friday 26th October
Class Prayer Assembly: Friday 9th November
OLC Fete: Sunday 11th November
Please see the school calendar for further dates and events.
Spelling - LSCWC (each night) & Dictionary Definitions
Kangaroos: Greek and Latin Roots - voc/voke, ling/lang, mem, psych
Possums: Prefixes - ante, pre, post, after
Lorakeets: Compound Words
Spelling - LSCWC (each night) & Dictionary Definitions
Kangaroos: Greek and Latin Roots - voc/voke, ling/lang, mem, psych
Possums: Prefixes - ante, pre, post, after
Lorakeets: Compound Words
The students will keep the same words for week 1/2 due to the shorter week this week.
PLEASE NOTE - This term the students have to complete dictionary meanings for their list words at home and are due Friday with their other homework.
Mental Maths - Think Mentals, Unit 29, Day 1-4
Reading - Reading Log
READERS - Every child will receive a Reader on Monday and the title will be written into their Reading logs. This is for them to read first before they have free choice or use Reading Eggspress.
Can you please ensure they are all returned on a FRIDAY morning.
On the same page as the Reading Log this term, I have encouraged the students to do 'Family Homework' which encourages them to show the Spirit of Jesus within the family. They are to aim to do 2 things per day to help out the family, without being nagged to do so! These actions are to be recorded below the Reading Log in their homework book.
As always, thank you for your support and if you have any questions please email or come and see me.
I'm really looking forward to starting the new initiatives planned for this term, I know that having Miss Charles will add a positive dimension to our already thriving classroom.
Have a great week,
Sandy Ricciardone & Adrian Torrese