
Showing posts from 2016

Week 9 Beach Party

Tomorrow is our last day and to celebrate we are going to the Old Dunsborough Boat Ramp! We will be heading there for 11:30 where we will enjoy a number of activities after we share lunch with the rest of the school.  We will return to school at about 2:30.  To ensure that our day is as safe as possible, please ensure that your child has the following; Towel, hat (wide brimmed), lunch and drinks will be needed by all students. A collared t-shirt and a hat for sun protection along with either a rash vest or another t-shirt for the water based activities No swimming apparatus apart from safety approved buoyancy vests to be taken. Students are asked to be ‘sun-screened’ before leaving home. Sunscreen will be provided for the students to re-apply throughout the day. Lunch and recess snack as usual Water bottle Children may wear free dress and thongs. See you tomorrow!! Mr McSevich

Week 7

Today we continued working on forces and as a class completed three experiments looking at three different types of force.  We then reported back to the class on the experiment we completed and the outcome as we looked at gravity, stretching and pushing forces and the affects they can have on an object. Homework this week includes mathletics, unit 28 of the mentals maths book and I have sent grids home again. Don't forget, this week is our performance assembly and we would all love to see you there on Friday for what promises to be a day of science, fun and singing.

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal

ST VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS HAMPER APPEAL Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for all that we have and to assist those in need. We are asking all families in the school to give as generously as possible. This year the Year 4/5/6 student families are being asked to donate toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, hairbrushes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lip balm, sunscreen, soap etc. If each family could give at least 2 items it would go a long way to helping those families in need. I will place a box in Year 6 for your donations, if you can please make sure that you have them in by Monday 5th December. Many thanks, Mr McSevich, Mr Danaher & Mrs Delane 

Week 6

Wow, this term is flying!! This week we are wrapping up our unit on weathering and erosion and getting into forces.  In literacy we are finishing our latest narratives and we will finish Birrung.  This historical narrative has taught us about life around the first and second fleet and helped us to examine the way we treat and respect people. Homework for tonight is Mathletics, practice the eight times tables and reading.  This is no spelling tonight as we sat our latest diagnostic assessment today and I will set revision and extension words around this. Our performance assembly was originally set for this Friday, however it is now set for Friday of week 7 as neither of the Year 5 or 6 classes will be here.  Our assembly will include some singing, acting and Science, so it is bound to be a hoot!!

Week 5 homework

Well, half way through the term already!! Over the next two weeks we are working on our performance assembly.  We have read these and started performing these in preparation for next Friday!  I have sent home scripts with the students, so please support them by providing time for them to read through these. I have also sent home grids and set Unit 27 of Mental Maths books for homework.  We are nearing the end of Birrung, the Secret Friend and I have asked students to read Chapter 11 before next week.  It might be nice to share reading this with them, where you read a page or so and they can do the same.  This way they can hear fluent reading which is a strategy to assist them improve their reading. For spelling, I have asked students to work on their Keynotes.  This involves writing the definition of their spelling word (in their own words) and the word into a sentence on a slide in keynote.  All iPads have the ability to define words, which the ...

Narrative planning

This week we are going to start writing a new story and I thought we might try a different way to plan what we are going to write.  Please watch this video before Thursday and start thinking about the story you are going to write.  Remember, base your story on something you are familiar with, something that you may have seen or experienced.

Eucharist - Sunday 30th October 2016

Good Morning Well our Sacrament of Eucharist is approaching very fast and our preparation for this wonderful occasion is nearing completion. Earlier today I sent out a reminder about ensuring your family banner is completed and at school by Friday 21st October.  These will be displayed in the Church to show the support our families give us, not only through this Sacrament but at all times.  In the coming week we will be heading to the Church to practice proceedings for the mass and undertake reconciliation. If you have not returned the completed Parish Sacraments form, please do so by Friday.  Additionally,  if you have not provided the $10 to cover Eucharist consumables, please do so by Friday. If you have any questions or would like to know anything further about Eucharist, please don't hesitate to drop in. Thanks Mr McSevich & Mr Torrese

Week 2

Welcome back to term 4! Today we started reading Jackie French's book, 'Birrung - The Secret Friend'!  Chapter One introduced us to two of the main characters, where we studied the description of them and what we see when we read these. Homework for this week is based around our homework grid.  I have modified this slightly, but the concept is the same with all tasks in grey to be completed nightly and three tasks in white to be completed during the week. We return to the maths book for unit 25 and we are working on the 7 times tables, so please assist your child with setting time aside for these. We are well into our Eucharist preparation and I will send out reminders this week about the Sacrament on the 30th.

Year 4 Excursion to Ngilgi Cave

Today we took a guided tour of Ngilgi Cave and what a great experience it was!  All students were shown around the stunning cave, with some even tackling the 'OLC Tunnel of Doom' as our tour guide put it!  We finished off with lunch, an ice-cream and a quick game at Simmo's while the weather held off! Thanks to all students for being so awesomely behaved, using their manners and being respectful.  A great big thanks to all those parents who put their hand up to help out and to Mrs Torrese and Mrs Jennings for joining us! Below are some photo's from the cave but the quote of the day came from Matilda who referred to the cave as "just beautiful" and "this is the best science lesson ever!".  I have rarely seen so many mouths gaping at the sights of the crystal formations! Mr McSevich

Create a book Video

Watch this video to help you create your story book.

Angles Videos for Week 8 and 9

Hi everyone, please watch these important videos for tomorrows Maths lesson about Angles...It Should take you about 6 minutes to view them all. If you get time, watch "How to measure an angle" at least twice. What is an Angle ? How to measure angles Angles are nice but are they cute?

Week 8

Here we are at the busy end of the term, and what a few weeks we have ahead.  This week we are working on money problems in maths, starting with adding and subtracting money amounts.  In Literacy we are working on our narratives as we write adventure/comedy stories for the years 5 and 6. This week also see's the start of our Eucharist preparation.  On Wednesday night at 7pm we have our information night for both parents and children, followed by Enrollment Mass on Saturday night. Our Class Mass has been combined with our Enrollment Mass, so we will have a few pizza's to share after Mass. Thursday is photo day, so please support your child in ensuring they look smashing for our class photo.  If you have not already, please remember to send the order form with your child. Next week is our excursion to Ngilgi Cave and I am still waiting on a few permission slips and money.  These are due Friday, so I will send a few extra form home to avoid last minute scramb...

Upcoming Eucharist dates

Just a quick reminder about the upcoming Eucharist dates.  All school dates are available on the school calendar Year 4 Eucharist dates are as follows; Wednesday 7th September 7pm - Eucharist Parent information night Saturday 10th September 6pm - Eucharist enrollment ceremony and Family mass Sunday 30th October 9am - Sacrament of Eucharist

Week 7 Homework

This week I have decided not to use the mental maths book, but have included some worksheets on the eight times tables.  In class we have worked on a number of strategies to help us with our eight times tables, including skip counting, ten times take two groups and double, double, double.  Please work with your child to help them practice and recall the eight times tables.  Also please mark your child's work so they receive instant feedback on how they are going. I have set spelling and reading, which are detailed in the homework grid.  Please support your child to ensure they have time to complete this work. Next Wednesday (7th September) we have our Eucharist information night.  Please keep this important date in your calendar, but I will send out further information as we get closer. Thanks Sean McSevich

Annual shoebox appeal note

Please see attached a copy of the note coming home today regarding the annual shoebox appeal. 29 th August 2016 Dear Parents, It is the time of year when we ask for the  support of the OLC community to help children in need by providing items that can be packaged in shoeboxes and sent to those in need. The shoeboxes our school helps to send may be the only gift that the child receives all year and they are very gratefully received! This year we will have a combined effort between the Year 4, 5 and 6 classrooms to donate items that can be used to package the boxes. In Year 4 all students will provide 2 items for the shoebox and $2.50 to pay for the postage of the boxes. Students will need to bring in something to love and a something for school. Some examples are listed below. Something to Love teddy bear, doll, soft toy etc. Something for school exercise book, pencils, sharpener, erasers, chalk. Your child will be given the age of the st...
omparing South America to Africa – Helpful Websites   Africa Research Landforms in Africa Vegetation in Africa Native African Animals South America Landforms of South America Vegetation of South America Native Animals of South America Australia Native animals of Australia Landforms of Australia Vegetation of Australia Continent Population

Week 6

Good afternoon Unfortunately the blog that I posted Monday and emailed about did not work, which is fine because most of the information I had put up as far as homework goes was on Edmodo.  This included watching my reading of 'The Lost Thing' and going through a number of slides on Character Descritpion. The next task to be completed tonight ready for Thursday is to watch the video and start preparing ourselves for writing a character description on a character we invent.  So please watch the video below, have your child access the slides in edmodo and work with them to start thinking about their character.

The Assumption of Mary Feast day - Friday

Please see attached message sent out earlier today regarding Friday's feast day. Dear Parents, On Friday we will be celebrating the  The Assumption of Mary , the  OLC Feast Day   and the  Mission Markets.  The day will begin with a prayer service  at 9.00am  in the hall. We would love for you to join us if you are able. Following recess, each class will run a stall where the students can make purchases or participate in games for prizes.  All the money from these stalls will be donated to the Missions. We ask that senior children bring no more that $10 IN  COINS ONLY  to spend, and junior children to bring no more than $5, also in coins only. Following lunch, students across the school will continue the celebrations by participating in games and activities in mixed aged groups on a rotational basis. It promises to be a fun and joyful celebration and we thank you for your contributions and preparations for the day.  If yo...

Nine times tables strategy

This video shows a nine times tables strategy that we were shown in class today by one of the students.  It was made into a video so that we can watch it to remind us of the strategy!

Week 3

Good morning Science This week we will be examining our rock samples in science to investigate hardness, density and characteristics such as the size of grains or any layers that are present.  I have noticed a number of students bringing these samples in, so if your child has not done so, please support them and remind them that they are due tomorrow (Tuesday). Maths With our maths homework, I am putting the answers on Edmodo each week for the mental maths book, so please use these to mark your child's homework as they complete it.  This week we are working on unit 21 which is revision so there is not a new strategy.  All previous strategy videos are on Edmodo should they be required. OLC Values Friendship Last week we commenced a program with the girls discussing and working through Girlpower to assist us in understanding and managing our friendships.  This will continue over the coming weeks, after which we will run a similar program with the boys.  W...

2016 Eucharist dates

Good morning This term we will be preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist.  Most of the required learning for this will be undertaken within the class, although some work may be brought home to supplement and support this.  The purpose of this blog is to advise and confirm dates for Mass and information nights, as we are still a number of weeks away.   The dates associated with the Sacrament are outlined in the School calendar and are; Eucharist Parent Information night – 7 th  September Eucharist Enrolment Mass – 10 th  September Sacrament of Eucharist – 30 th  October As you will note, the Sacrament is celebrated early in term 4.  As such, we will email with further information as we grow closer to these dates. If your child will not be undertaking the Sacrament but will be a prayer buddy, please let me know. Thanks for your ongoing support Sean McSevich and Adrian Torrese

Mr T Wednesday's Lesson Week 2 - Writing Setting with Images

Hi everyone, Please watch this short video BEFORE WEDNESDAY to explain our English viewing activity this week.  You don't need to do anything, just watch and understand what to do. Ask an adult to watch with you. We will do this activity on Wednesday. We will be learning about using images and our imagination to write great settings when we write narratives later this term. It's a really fun activity that involves: 1. Watching the video  Writing Setting with Images  and understanding what to do and how you will be learning 2. Choosing an image from The Image Shed - Abandoned Places 3. Then creating an X chart to describe and imagine what is in the image with lots of detail...that means ADJECTIVES!! Watch the video here or in Mr T's Language Study in Edmodo From the Australian Curriculum Create  literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings Create  literary texts that explo...

Week 2 Term 3

Good afternoon and welcome to week 2. I have spoken to a number of the children and they have said that they enjoyed the homework grid, which is great news.  Please work with your children to ensure that they identify the homework they are completing and to sign the grid ready for submitting on Friday.  I have provided these grids again this week and will continue to do so throughout the term. Mental maths this week is Unit 20 and to assist marking this, I have included a post in Edmodo that has the mental maths answers.  Please support your children by marking their maths using the answers on edmodo (your child will be able to show this to you).  Remember, Edmodo can be accessed from any device by going to where your child can sign in with their username and password. Last week, you child was given a science task.  The task was to take a soil sample and bring this to class in a screw top jar.  Please support your child to bring this sa...

Mission Markets

25th July 2016 Dear Parents, Re:  Mission Markets – Week 4 On Friday 12th August, we will be holding our Annual Mission Markets beginning at 11.45am. The Year 4 stall item this year is Jelly Cups! To help raise valuable funds for Caritas Australia, we are asking that all Year 4 families provide 5 Jelly Cups each for sale at our stall.  You can make these Jelly Cups in any combination that you would like.  In the past I have seen lolly snakes or frogs added and even multi-coloured Jelly Cups. Feel free to be as creative as you like, but please no nuts! Please also include a small packet of spoons to accompany the Jelly Cups.  This makes eating the Jelly much easier and less messy! When arriving at school on the morning of 12th August, please take the Jelly Cups to the canteen to be placed in the fridge.  Any parental assistance to place the jelly cups in the fridge would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not ...

Term 3 Week 1

Welcome back to term 3 Hopefully everybody had a refreshing and revitalising term break. Towards the end of last term, I started to feel that homework needed to be jazzed up a bit.  as a result, I have made a big change to make it more meaningful and hopefully engaging!  I have drawn from people like Ian Lillico in developing a homework grid that provides more choice and acknowledges the role that other activities at home take in the growth of students.  I have explained this grid and sent it home with the children today. As the homework grid provides more choice, I have also set and explained the rules, particularly with compulsory activities.  Please discuss this grid with your child when they get home. You will notice that many of the activities the children can choose may already be regularly undertaken, but are designed to encourage a number of important skills, including communication skills and risk taking (safely), as well as academics. I would still ...

Week 10

Week 10 already.  This term has flown! Thanks to all those that were able to make the Girl Power workshop last week.  I went along and found the information very useful....I will definitely be using this at home as well as in class!! This Wednesday is Grandparent day and thanks to those that have sent back their slips so we have numbers for catering.  If you haven't sent yours in yet and we will have a visitor Wednesday, please do so tomorrow (although even if you don't send in your attendance slip, please feel free to come along!!). Homework tonight is reading, mental maths unit 17 (day 1 and please make sure this comes back tomorrow as we will check through this in class) and times tables app.  There is no spelling today as we sat our end of term test this morning rather than our pretest. Spelling will come home tomorrow. Thanks for a great term!!

Week 9

We have started a new unit of work on poetry, where we are investigating and exploring different types of poems as we work towards writing them for ourselves.  If you have any poems you love or that really appeal to you, please share them with your child and discuss why it appeals to you. In maths, we have finished fractions for the moment and are back on to multiplication.  We are practicing and learning new strategies to help us with the multiplication facts, so please work with your child to practice their times tables at home.  A competition on the times tables app is a great engaging place to start! Homework this week includes; Spelling Mental maths Reading - at least ten minutes per night then signed in your child's diary.  I set reading eggs tasks weekly which include comprehension, so please support your child to complete this. Times tables app - I have suggested that a good way to use this may be to challenge other people in the household to see who can ...

Girl Power Workshop

Tomorrow afternoon is the girl power workshop, to be held at school between 3:30 and 5:30.  From what I understand, this is a great workshop which helps equip our girls with strategies to manage friendships and empower themselves. Mr Torrese Wrote about this in last weeks newsletter and included a flyer.  Please use this link to find out more. Please  remember to register for the workshop. Hope to see you there Sean McSevich

Week 7 homework

This week and for the remainder of the term, we are focusing on our organisational skills, specifically using our diaries.  I will be checking diaries each day, so please work with your child to ensure that their diary is checked each night then put straight into their bags. I have also noticed that there are a number of students without headphones.  These are important as they enable students to listen to and watch texts that we are studying in class.  They also provide a tool to minimise distraction of other students. I recommend that students leave headphones in their trays rather than taking them home so they do not get damaged.  If your child doesn't have headphones for use in class, please send some in. Homework this week includes; Spelling Mental maths Reading - at least ten minutes per night then signed in your child's diary.  I set reading eggs tasks weekly which include comprehension, so please support your child to complete this. Times tables ...

Week 6 - Including others

On Friday, we started work on a new social skill, Including Others. As a class we discussed clubs that we belong to and why it is important to feel as though we belong. This moved us into brainstorming and creating a Y-Chart so that we can recognise what including others is like. In bringing attention to this skill, we discussed and  role played situations, highlighting how we feel when we are not included.  We also discussed how words and actions can make people feel unwelcome, but at OLC we make everyone feel welcome.  We will be doing some more work in the coming weeks on this skill as we seek to embed this in our everyday living.

Week 6

Welcome to week 6!! This week we will be writing our assessment pieces for persuasive writing, to show what we have learned over the past few weeks.  We had a great activity today on inferring.  As Private investigators, we challenged ourselves to find clues in pictures and text to determine what is happening.   In Maths, we will finishing off fractions for this term. Homework this week includes; reading each night (10 minutes at least) Spelling Times tables app (5 minutes per night) Unit 14 of our mental maths book (Please remember to mark your childs work). To help with mental maths, I have made another video that we watched earlier today.  The video is a good refresher for your child should they get stuck at home.  The video is uploaded on to their edmodo page and I have attached it below.  The video's are also very good to watch before helping with any questions that your child may be stuck on.  I encourage you to watch these with your chil...

Week 5 homework

Appologies for not getting this up sooner. Homework for this week is; Mental maths (unit 13) Spelling For reading, your child should be reading about 10 minutes per night. I have set a reading eggspress  week again for homework. 5 minutes per night on times tables app Next week I will be introducing a new reading log system to accompany the reading eggspress weekly assignment.

Week 4 homework

This week, we are extending our mental strategy of double, double for multiplication by 4.  We have used this in strategy in class, but I have also uploaded a video on edmodo for reference. Homework includes mental maths unit 12, reading and spelling.  Can I please ask that you mark your child's mental maths homework. For reading, I have set a reading eggs assignment I would like to be finished.  Reading from reading eggs at least 2 nights a week should be sufficient to complete this, so on the other nights, please ensure that your child is reading for ten minutes from a book of their choice. Thanks for your ongoing support, Mr McSevich

Week 4 social skills

This fortnight in Yellow Room, we are practicing saying and doing kind things.  To help recognise and practice this skill, we are building a wall of kindness, where we write on a 'brick' something kind someone has said or done for us.  The aim of this activity is to build on the role play and brainstorming activities already completed on this social skill.  As you can see, we have started already!! To help your child with these, please talk about the kind things that they might be doing for you, like helping with the dishes without being asked!! We are aiming to finish our wall in the next few weeks, so we will have time everyday to write about some of the kind things we are doing and saying.

Active listening and 'Saying kind things'

Last week we continued to work on our skill of Active Listening, and we have made great gains as a group.  However, this is a skill that needs ongoing practice and work, so we will continue working on this in our daily actions. On Friday we also started another social skill. 'Saying kind things', to help us in our interactions.  For this skill, we discussed what it meant, some examples of kind things, then practiced this skill through role play.  All students did a great job and we were able to use this role play to help us with our Y-Chart, which I have included below.  What I really liked was that we were able to tie in our school values to this skill very clearly!  The picture below shows our Y-chart that we made.

Week 3 Homework

Homework for this week includes reading, mental maths unit 11 and spelling.  For reading, I have set an assignment in reading eggs, so please read this.  we are also practicing our 5 times table ready for a test on Friday, so please practice these each night. thanks Mr McSevich

Term 2, Week 2.

Welcome back to all yellow room students and families. Term 2 promises to be another exciting, fun and productive term in yellow room. This term our attention turns to persuasive writing and poetry in English and we are working on multiplication at the moment in maths, including our times tables. Science will focus on chemical science, which will flow through the D&T unit that we are working on. This term in health we will be spending some time working on and discussing a number of social skills that will assist us both in and out of the class.  Last Friday we began working on Active Listening and the students created a class Y-chart.  This will be the weekly focus and will be referred to regularly to assist students to identify how to show and to practice the skill.  The aim of this is to guide students through regular practice towards embedding these skills in everyday interactions.  The Y-chart the students made has been published, is shown below and ...

Week 10

After a short week last week, it doesn't really feel like the last week of term. Homework this week includes reading each night and please sign in your child's diary spelling (review words) mental maths unit 9 I have made a video to help with this weeks strategy.  We practiced in class but it is a difficult strategy to remember each step, so please refer to the video for help.  I have also put the video on to edmodo. friendly and fix subtraction strategy Some students are yet to submit their science labelled fruit diagrams using showbie.  If you have not done so yet, please do by Thursday.

Week 9

Hopefully everyone is well rested after the Easter Break. We had a wonderful day today at Saint Mary MacKillop College, experiencing some of what the college can offer.  Students were able to participate in woodwork, sport, home economics, drama and science.  Feedback from the students was that they all greatly enjoyed the day. I will put some photos onto Edmodo for all to see over the coming days. With such a short week this week, I have restricted homework to spelling (which we selected from our writing and spelling books as review), mathletics tasks (remember by visiting, we can access mathletics from any device) and reading.  I have also told the students to practice on the times tables app every night for at least 2 minutes. With our 20th anniversary celebrations this Friday, all students are to wear full summer uniform.  As such, tomorrow students can wear their sports uniform.  Invitations to the celebrations went out last week...

Week 8

This week is Holy Week and so we will be finishing off our Lenten preparation.  We are very close to finishing our Easter Story Wreaths, which tell the Easter story and look fabulous!  Please have a look when you next drop in. In Maths we are working on formal addition and subtraction strategies and in English we are focused on questioning as a comprehension strategy and information reports. Homework this week includes; Spelling Mental Maths Unit 8 Reading Log We also need to finish our labelled fruit diagrams for science.  These are to be submitted on showbie. Thanks and have a wonderful week Sean McSevich

Mr Ts Homework

1. Adverbs booklet - due Wednesday Week 8 2. Please show your parents the work you have been doing in Geography. Explain to them: The HASS Edmodo Page The websites we have been using on the HASS page What the Great Circle Routes are, and how you have been using airport codes to plan and draw your flight routes on your "World Trip"

Parent-Teacher Interviews

20 th March 2016 Dear Yellow Room Parents, Please be advised that I will be conducting my Parent-Teacher interviews between 3:30 and 5:30 on Friday 1st April, Tuesday 5th April and Thursday 7th April. I have allocated 15 minutes for each interview and if during our allotted time it becomes apparent that there is more to be discussed, we can make another appointment to continue the conversation at a later date.  Please make sure you are on time for your interview to allow the maximum time for discussion possible. I have placed a schedule up outside the classroom for you to select a time. Please make a note of your time for future reference.  If the times available don’t suit, please feel free to email me or speak with me directly to arrange an alternative time. I look forward to seeing you. Kindest Regards, Sean McSevich.

Week 7

Good afternoon Well the end of term is fast approaching, but we still have so much to cover.  This week we are working on questioning as a comprehension strategy and our information reports.  In Maths, we are working on addition strategies and in science we will be exploring one stage of the plant lifecycle in detail.  I don't want to give this away but will put up some pictures of our learning. Homework includes; Reading Log LCSWC Mental maths unit 7.  In case we get stuck, I have madea video of the strategy. I have also put a video of the strategy on EDMODO.

Week 6

This is a short week for us, and we are nearly half way there already! This week, we have been working on questioning as a comprehension strategy and writing post-it notes to record our questions as we read. We are flying through our unit on information reports and are well into exploring strategies for addition and subtraction. Homework this week is;  reading log spelling Mental Maths unit 6.   I have told the children that I want days 1 to 4 of mental maths completed by Friday and have put a video onto Edmodo demonstrating the use of this strategy for reference. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns Mr McSevich

Mr. T's Homework

Mr. T's Homework Year 4's please complete for next Wednesday (Week 6): Verb Tenses booklet. If you complete one page a night you should completed it all by next Wednesday. Please see me, Mr McSevich or another adult who can help if you have any problems. Mr T

Art Homework

Good afternoon parents, In our Art sessions we have been looking at artist Andy Warhol and his history. We have been learning about ‘pop art’ and the way it was used to make art more accessible to everyday people. For our session next week, I am asking that students come with a picture. It can be saved to their cameral roll or emailed to me directly and I will print it if needed.  It needs to be an Australian themed image. We will then use this to create our own art work. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Many thanks, Caitlin Delane

Week 5

This week we will have started practicing our comprehensions skills reading Information Reports and will begin writing these later this week.  We are finishing off examining the properties of odd and even numbers in Maths and in Science we will be setting up an experiment to examine the conditions required for plant growth.  We all have  mathletics and reading eggspress access now and we are beginning to access these in class. Homework this week includes; Reading log Mental Maths Unit 5 and  Spelling Look, Cover, Say Write Check. We will mark day one of our mental maths tomorrow and I have put a video on Edmodo to help if you become stuck using our new strategy for the week. Mrs Delane has also set Art homework which is attached as a blog post.

Week 4

Welcome to week 4. This week we have started to use our iPads, logging into our online classroom (edmodo) and accessing our words for our pretest and word work.  In maths we are exploring the properties of odd and even numbers and we used showme on our iPad to practice and check our metal maths addition strategy.  I have put a video onto edmodo to help review the addition strategy to assist with our homework tonight. Homework for this week is the reading log, spelling Look Cover Say Write Check and metal maths unit 4.   Day 1 of Mental Maths Unit 4 is due tomorrow so we can discuss and check understanding of the strategy. Tomorrow is the swimming trials to prepare for our Carnival Thursday.  If you have not returned the permission slip for trials and the carnival, please do so ASAP so we can all join in trials tomorrow.

Year 4 - Parent Evening Information 2016

Dear Year 4 Parents, Please click here to view the Parent Evening information booklet.

Friendly Balance Addition strategy

Here is a video that may help remind you of the mental addition strategy we are using.

Week three homework

Welcome to week three. This week we will finish our second week of swimming lessons, focus on writing our procedures, finishing place value and exploring the properties of odd and even numbers.  In science we will be checking on our seeds to see what stage of germination they are up to and beginning our next experiment investigating the plant lifecycle.  In religion we are learning about lent as we move through this important time of year. Homework this week will include; Spelling Look, Cover, Say, Write and Check (due Friday) Reading log (due Friday) Mental Maths Unit 3. (We will mark Day 1 on Tuesday, Day 2 and 3 on Thursday and Day 4 on Friday). Monday night is our parent information and welcome night, so please join me if you are able.  Thanks for your support Sean McSevich

Important iPad Information for Year 4 Paretns

Dear Year 4 Parents, Please return the following information to school as soon as possible. ·          Completed iPad Setup Checklist/Information sheet – even if you are providing the iPad for your child ·          Completed ICT and iPad User Agreements Also please ·          book a time to collect the iPad or setup an existing iPad by entering your name in the booking sheet by clicking on this link ·          Pay for your iPad at the front office (for those parents who indicated they were paying for the iPad as a one off payment) If you need assistance with the Apple ID setup then please make an appointment to do this next Monday 15 th February. (You will not be able to setup an Apple ID during the collection sessions). You will not be able to take the iPad home next Thursday unle...

Reading and writing large numbers

Hi Year 4's. Watch the following video, so that when you come to school tomorrow, you have already heard my trick for reading and writing large numbers.Click on this link  which will take you to the videos. Good luck Mr McSevich

Welcome to Yellow Room 2016

Welcome to our Year 4 Blog!! Mr Torrese and I will use this Blog to help with communication, send out friendly reminders, update you on some of our learning and for homework. Today, your children have brought home notes regarding swimming lessons, which start next week.  Lessons are a little different than in the past, running for 2 weeks and being held at the beach rather than the pool.  Please read and return the swimming note as soon as possible, preferably tomorrow. I have also sent home your child's school diary.  Their homework for tonight is to complete the first page (All about Me) in their diaries.  They have also been told that they need to be reading each night and to practice their 2 times tables.  I suggested that they challenge someone in the house to a times tables face off!  Tomorrow I will send home their maths homework books. If you do have any questions, queries or concerns, please contact me as soon as possible. Once again, wel...